☀️This weekend, I want to send all the parents of special needs kids a very big lot of love. I know that so many of you watched all the fun vacations to faraway places, all the trips to the beach, all the cottages with a million stairs and even the trips to the CNE (amusement park) and wished that you could do what your friend’s families are doing.
I can completely relate. That said, there is so much I feel I experienced this summer.
What I am grateful for is that we had a beautiful summer, one where I could get Rhysie in and out of the house in half the time in then it does in the winter. I am grateful for the new park down the road that has a teeter totter in addition to the special needs swing. I love that he was able to go away to sleepover camp this summer for the first time.
🌤 Our summers might be different that what we anticipated, but they are ever so special, exactly as they are.🌈
xoxo natalie
